Tried & True Teacher Tips

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Season 2, Episode 7

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Here’s A Quick Way To Get Your Students To Work Harder


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Today I’m going to be giving you a quick tip to use with your kids to help them really want to focus and pay attention and WORK HARDER…

It works like a charm and you’re gonna love it!!

The method I’m going to explain to you today is SO SIMPLE but it just makes sense for our preschool students… 

🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻

Before we get into it…

I’m wondering:

👉🏼 Do you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of having to remind your kids how things work over and over?

👉🏿 Do you feel like you’re repeating directions constantly because they are not taking it in the first time?

👉🏽 Do you come in each day, trying to be positive-maybe you’ll try something new today–see if that works, and it doesn't? So you try another new thing tomorrow? But nothing’s really helping your kids to take ownership of their actions…

👉🏻 Do they keep whining? Or needing reminders for every little thing? 

It’s terrible to feel this way… but it’s completely normal.

SO MANY TEACHERS are in this spot RIGHT NOW–

I want you to become one of the beautiful teachers on my long list of people who have gotten out of this frustrating place!!!!

I will show you that it’s easy to change these things, WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO… and when you know what to say…

You have to put systems in place that let your kids take ownership of the rules…

It’s time to stop bouncing around from one system to another system and stop trying this and then that—

I’m going to give you the cheat sheet– here’s the stuff that JUST WORKS….

And it will work for you or I will HAPPILY refund your investment…

I have become so confident in my course, ONLY BECAUSE every teacher that’s ever taken it has gone on to tell me all the ways the course helped them… 

💚 “The content is very simple, yet it has the power to change SO MUCH!”

💚 “I felt like you were right on the nose with a majority of the behaviors in my class.”

💚 “My favorite part was all the reminders that I can and WILL have the classroom environment that I’ve dreamed of for so long!”

💚 “I feel a breath of fresh air after watching two lessons. I feel so empowered! I have been teaching for a long time, and I adore my job, but your strategies are giving me new life.”

I share their words because they are the proof… 

I can tell you it will work all day long, but you won’t know until you try it– and by sharing the success stories from so many other teachers, I hope you can relate to them, and believe that it will work for you too…

If you have a little voice saying, “hmm, I wonder if things could be better…” 

Just know, the answer is: THEY CAN BE SO MUCH BETTER…

I didn’t make the course so that people would be like “it was good”…I put thought into how I could BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF… surprises left and right, and I wanted to make sure you finish it and say “I am confident… bring it on… “ and more importantly, you’re gonna sincerely look forward to seeing your kids…

No more of that dread and panic that comes from feeling like you can’t control them… don’t just take my word for it–

Visit my website, read through all the testimonials… see for yourself what teachers have to say…

And I look forward to the day I get an email that says YOU HAVE SIGNED UP… I want to see your name in my inbox, so I can read it and know, “here’s my next teacher to help!”

🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻

Now, it’s time for me to give you the strategy for this episode so you can get your kids to WANT to work HARDER:

Here’s what you do…

You’re gonna get your kids together one morning, sit them down at the circle and you’re gonna say “how strong are you?? I wanna feel your muscles”…

And they’re gonna get all excited, because they love showing off their muscles… and you’re gonna get up, and move around and feel their biceps, and make a big deal about it:

  • “WHOA, you are SO STRONG”

  • “wow, those are some serious muscles!”

  • “I had no idea my class was so strong”

  • “This is so great, I’m glad I know how strong you are– I have one of the strongest classes in the world!!!”

  • “I’m serious, you guys are STRONG!”

And then you’re going to explain to them

that our brain,

is a muscle too…

they are going to think it’s crazy at first…

But you’re gonna say - “yup, our brain is a muscle, but It’s a different kind of muscle…”

And there are photos I’ve got for you to help them understand this whole thing:

You’re going to show them a photo of Spiderman or Hulk… at least, those are the two I picked, but you can do this however you want…

If you feel it’s important to show a strong female character too, go ahead!

Just make sure to pick photos that show strong muscles… 

I just happen to use these pictures of Spiderman and Hulk and you can totally use them if you want…

So you show them the pictures of the strong characters and explain how they get strong by lifting weights or working out – (Again flex your biceps, get them to flex theirs - really get them excited about showing off how strong they are!)

And then, you’re going to explain to them, that we don’t lift weights to make our brain stronger, we have to do something else to get our brain strong, do you guys wanna know what it is??

To get our brains stronger, here’s what we have to do: When we are working on something, and it’s hard… but we don’t give up… our brains get stronger!!!!

Like for example, if I’m working on this puzzle (you can get a few concrete examples to show them if you want)

...I’m trying to figure out where the pieces go, BUT IT’S HARD… and I’m feeling a little frustrated… and I kinda want to give up… BUT I DON’T GIVE UP– I KEEP TRYING…

that’s what makes your brain get stronger!

When something is tricky or confusing, but I don’t stop – I KEEP TRYING… MY BRAIN GETS STRONG…

Have them all flex their biceps again… 


Can you believe it?!

We’re gonna have the strongest brains in the world!!!!

🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻

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Where are you getting your teacher resources?

Teachers pay teachers is great but do you spend money on each document you want?🙄

👏🏽👏🏿👏🏻 There’s a better way my friend….

Creative fabrica has over 11,000 printable teacher resources, at your fingertips… and the price is usually 69.99–

but right now, they are running a special– teachers can get their teacher club card for just 2.99!!

And you’ll be locked in for the year… (meaning you won’t have to pay another dollar!)

And you can print resources EVERY WEEK….

Make sure to check out Creative Fabrica’s CRAZY DEAL right now on the teacher club card, if you haven’t gotten yours yet, DON’T WAIT – click it now and secure this sale price!

So you show them the Hulk picture, or the Spiderman picture, or whatever STRONG MUSCLES pictures you decide to use…

“WOW, look how strong!! Look at those muscles!!”

And then give another example of how they can strengthen their brains…

(Pick anything that’s relevant for your kids right now!)

You could say:

When you’re trying to write letters and it gets tricky…We’re not going to give up… we’re not going to quit!! We’re going to keep trying… we’re going to THINK… we’re going to FOCUS… AND that’s how our brains get stronger!!! 

AND THEN, you’re gonna show them a picture of SPONGEBOB 😂 where he’s trying to lift a weight a bar and there’s only a marshmallow on each end, and he is straining and he can’t get it off the ground…. 

And you’ll point out how he has no muscles and he’s not very strong… and he needs to work out to get stronger and get more muscles…

Then, you’ll bring this whole thing home by saying “When we just give upour brain won’t get stronger… Look at his muscles, he’s not very strong, he can’t even lift those, what are they marshmallows? With a stick? We don’t want that kind of brain! We want a STRONG BRAIN!”

If we don’t keep trying, we’re going to have

A *Spongebob Brain* 😯😦😫

... And we don’t want that!

We want a strong brain like our strong muscles…

And get them all to flex again….

And make it fun and memorable!!

And then, this is going to keep coming up–

and you’re going to keep reminding them that our brain is a muscle,

and we want to get it stronger so when things are hard, WE KEEP TRYING!

That’s how we get a HULK BRAIN or a SPIDERMAN BRAIN…

They love the visuals…

They love the idea of getting strong…

AND they love when you admire how strong they are!! (Really get in there and feel those muscles! 😂)

It’s a good idea for you to keep modeling how this actually looks…

Get a task, and model for the class how it’s a little tricky… but you are not going to give up – even something as simple as trying to stack blocks… and it gets hard when they get high and they seem like they’re going to topple over and OMG they all fell down… but I was trying to make it this high and they fell before I got there..

Am I gonna whine? NO

Am I gonna quit? NO WAY….

This is the PERFECT opportunity for me to WORK ON MY HULK BRAIN…

I’m gonna keep trying, I’m going to do it again… I’m going to take a deep breath and I’m going to persevere... I’m not going to give up because I want A STRONG BRAIN!! I know what to do! This is the perfect opportunity!!! 

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