Songs for YOUR Pre-K Classroom
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Here is a link to a Youtube playlist I created for my classroom.
I am sharing it with you to make things easy for you!
I used this playlist the first few months of school for so many reasons.
If you need to keep the kids busy while sending some of them to wash their hands and use the bathroom before lunch, use this playlist!
If you need something to keep the kids busy while you are sending them to get their backpacks at the end of the day, use this playlist!
Now, I am not saying sit them in front of this for 30 minutes… But these are great, short clips of content that is good for Pre-K students at the beginning of the year.
Use this playlist when you need 5-10 minutes of attention keeping material.
(I am sharing this without shame because I know you…anyone who says different is RIDICULOUS. I know some teachers are scared an Admin might walk in when you have a video playing…
Lord have mercy, save yourself the worry.
Your Admin know you’re a great teacher and they won’t change their mind just from seeing you play a video.. (AND THESE ARE GREAT VIDEOS)… so to that, I say, “So what?”)
There’s NO problem with a teacher playing 5 minutes of fun engaging videos to get something done.
It’s just a REALITY, that with 15-20 four/five year old children in ONE ROOM, it’s just something you’re going to need from time to time.
Maybe you won’t.
But just bookmark it and keep it stashed away… wait for that one day when you’re trying to get the kids ready to go to the Pumpkin Patch and you have to make sure every kid has their lunchbox, coat, name tag, water bottle and shoes tied… (then dahhhling, PRESS PLAY!)
By the way, if you don’t know about “Can you teach my alligator manners"?”
CLICK HERE for some AMAZING videos to teach kids simple concepts like sharing, taking turns, raising your hand, etc!